Outputs and Deliverables

DocumentDate submittedTypeFile
Data Management Plan April 28, 2023 Deliverable D7.1_Data-Management-Plan
Dissemination and Communication Plan June 23, 2023 Deliverable D6.2_Dissemination-and-Communication-Plan
A practical introduction to bioinformatics and RNA-seq using Galaxy report September 28, 2023 Deliverable D1.1_Bioinformatics-Introduction-Report
Training needs analysis report October 31, 2023 Deliverable D2.1_Training Needs Analysis-Report
Introduction to programming languages report November 30, 2023 Deliverable D1.2_Introduction-to-programming-languages-Report
Command line and cluster computing report February 29, 2024 Deliverable D1.3_Command_line_and_cluster_computing_Report
Open and Fair, data management report March 27, 2024 Deliverable D1.4_Open-and-Fair-Data-management_Report
First year report March 27, 2024 Deliverable D5.1_First-year-report